
February 25, 2008

Week 22 - Weight Watchers

Well here's my update for the last two weeks:

Week 21's weigh-in was: 0 lbs. (I stayed exactly the same.)
Week 22's weigh-in was: -1.6 lbs.
My new weight loss total: - 37 lbs.

I've been finding these last few weeks alittle more of a struggle.
What I mean is that my cravings have been alittle higher and 'sometimes' harder to resist.
I've been managing however like I said - sometimes they are harder to resist.

During week 21, I was alittle more relaxed and figured I would try to be let a few things pass-by. I had a piece of chocolate and sometimes would make my 'spoon' sizes bigger or alittle 'extra'...
Well I guess I just proved to myself that being alittle more lax keeps me where I'm at.

Now during week 22, I started watching alittle more and voila: -1.6 lbs.
This means that I have to keep at it - My body isn't ready to start taking-in 'extras'.

Life is too short to waste time being unhealthy. Unhealthy lifestyles lead to being at home doing nothing since you don't have the energy or motivation to do anything. I was living unhealthy - and now need to choose healthy. I am still working on 'motivation', however have chosen to live healthy.

I'm still participating in lunch hour Belly Dancing sessions once a week at work - which are nice. I didn't think I could get a workout out of those classes, but I am.
I take (or at least as much as I can) walks twice a day at work during my two 15 min. breaks. I usually walk with a group of friends from work which is encouraging since if I don't feel like going someone else does which then encourages me to go.
My sister provided me with an Exercise Ball chart which I have to get my butt up from the sofa in the evening to start doing...! I also have videos for the ball - came with it when I bought it, to which I also have to at least watch once!

So this week I will be trying to start working out. No... not trying I will.
I will be working out.

Until next time, live healthy!

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